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About the three-level classification selection of high cooling, medium cooling and low cooling used on this site

About the three-level classification selection of high cooling, medium cooling and low cooling used on this site

When looking for an e-cigarette product that suits your personal taste, it’s important to understand the classification of different coolness levels. This site specially introduces three categories of high cooling, medium cooling and low cooling to meet the needs of different users. Below, we will introduce the characteristics of each level in detail to help you choose the e-cigarette that is best for you.

High-cooling series

High-cooling e-cigarettes are characterized by a strong throat hit and obvious coolness, which can easily give people a strong head-on feeling. This type of product is usually suitable for users who pursue the ultimate taste or already have extensive experience in using e-cigarettes. If you don’t particularly prefer e-cigarettes with a strong cooling effect, you may feel choking or throat discomfort, or you may feel that the taste is not as rich and sweet as the classic Western e-cigarettes. The taste of high-cooling products is relatively light, focusing on the cooling sensation rather than the fruit flavor.

Medium-cooling series

Medium-cooling products are slightly lower in coolness, so that you will not feel a strong choking sensation when inhaling. This type of e-cigarette pays attention to the balance of taste, combining the coolness and fruity flavor more harmoniously. While enjoying the cooling sensation, users can also experience a richer fruity flavor. Medium cooling products are ideal for those who like a cool feeling but don’t want too much cooling.

Low-cool e-cigarette

For those e-cigarette users who like a sweet taste but don’t like the overly sweet taste in the Western market, low-cool products are A perfect choice. This type of product retains a certain level of sweetness while also adding an appropriate amount of cooling sensation, which will not choke the throat and provide a refreshing smoking experience. Low-cooling products often add a touch of cooling while reducing sweetness, making the overall taste more refreshing and comfortable.

Whether you are a novice or an experienced user of e-cigarettes, understanding the three different cooling levels of e-cigarette products, namely high cooling, medium cooling, and low cooling, is crucial to choosing the e-cigarette that suits you. important. Everyone has different taste preferences. Choosing the appropriate cooling level can make your e-cigarette experience more personalized and satisfying. We hope that through the classification selection of high cooling, medium cooling and low cooling on this site, every user can find the e-cigarette product that suits them best.
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